The Right to the Sustainable Environment Though Environmental Education Focused on the Rational Use of the Rural Property and the Fulfillment of its Social Role

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Marcele Scapin Rogerio
Toshio Nishijima


The present study shows that is possible to achieve the right to an susteinable enviroment through environmental education focused on the racional use of the rural property through the compliance of its social role. The research has the aim to demonstrate that, with the environmental education its viable to guide the citizens to embrace the social role principle entrusted to the rural property and to the activities carried out on it, once cooperates to keep the environment ecologicaly balanced and sustainable, a right of all. It aims to explain how the environmental education contributes to achieve the right to a susteinable envioronment guided to the rational use of the rural property through the complience of its social role. The problem situation wich it is intended to solve is that the environmental education focused on the rational use of the rural property and the fulfillment of its social role can contribute to the achievement of the susteinable environment. In this sense, this work highlights the importance of the environmental education as an instrument that cooperates to aware about the complience of the social role in the rural properties, contributing to the preservation of the environment and to ensure a dignified life, citizen and to the social welfare to everyone.

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Author Biographies

Marcele Scapin Rogerio, UNIJU�

Graduada em Direito pela Universidade de Cruz Alta- UNICRUZ; Especialista em Educação Ambiental pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM; Mestranda em Direitos Humanos pela Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - UNIJUÃ�. Advogada.

Toshio Nishijima, UFSM

Professor adjunto da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM. Doutor em Recursos Hídricos e Saneamento Ambiental pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS.