Waterfalls, Economic Exploitation and Environmental Protection

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Vladimir Passos Freitas


The present article aims to analyze the legal treatment given to the waterfalls in Brazil, which is a topic almost ignored by the doctrine and that, nowadays, has greater importance due to the population growth, the search for leisure and also the water crisis, with reflections over the power consumption and  generation. Therefore, a study was carried out about the complex relationship regarding the environmental asset water, which is of public nature, the buildings around it, usually private properties, the economic exploitation and the social aspects. A deductive methodology was used, with legal, bibliographic and case law research. Through this approach, it is intended to have, as a result, the recognition of the importance of this issue and its study in depth. The conclusion is that the use and exploitation of the waterfalls should conciliate the social, economic and environmental aspects, ensuring, at the same time, leisure and environmental preservation.

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Author Biography

Vladimir Passos Freitas, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

Vladimir Passos de Freitas é professor de DireitoAmbiental no mestrado/doutorado da  PUC/PR, pós-doutor pela Faculdade de Saúde Pública da USP,  mestre e doutor em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Paraná. Desembargador Federal aposentado,ex-presidente do Tribunal Regional Federal da 4ª Região. Autor, co-autor eorganizador de 27 livros na área do Direito, tem mais de 400 artigos publicados,palestrante no Brasil e em mais de 18 países.