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Marcos Paulo Andrade Bianchini
Giselle Marques de Araújo
Ademir Kleber Morbeck de Oliveira


The collapse of the mining dam in Brumadinho (state of Minas Gerais) raised discussion about the criminal liability of legal entities due to environmental damage. Taking the theme into consideration, the objective was to investigate the efficiency of the criminal liability of legal entities in the context of the rupture of dams maintained by mining enterprises, with the rupture of the dam in Brumadinho as the object of special research and discussion. The dialectical method was used, making it possible to question and deny the certainties hitherto established, and, from this intellectual exercise, to extract secure knowledge. As a hypothesis, the imputation of criminal liability to legal entities reveals itself as symbolic legislation that translates into an apparent action of the State with the purpose of giving an apparent solution to the problems and challenges of environmental protection. Furthermore, it blinds the theme and prevents the discussions from advancing in the search for efficient answers. The article hypothesize the application of the Right of Intervention, proposed by Hassemer, through its manifestations in Brazilian Law. As a conclusion, it was identified that the absence of legal and material conditions for the penal accountability of the legal entity establishes a false perception of fulfillment of the proclaimed promises of environmental protection contained in the Federal Constitution of 1988.

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Author Biographies

Marcos Paulo Andrade Bianchini, Universidade Anhanguera (UNIDERP)

Ph.D. in Social Institutions, Law, and Democracy from Universidade FUMEC (FUMEC), Belo Horizonte/MG, Brazil. Ph.D. in Environment and Regional Development from Universidade Anhanguera (UNIDERP), Campo Grande/MS, Brazil. Master’s Degree in Social Institutions, Law, and Democracy from Universidade FUMEC (FUMEC), Belo Horizonte/MG, Brazil. Specialization in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law from Faculdade Damásio, São Paulo/SP, Brazil. Specialization in Constitutional Law from Universidade Pitágoras Unopar Anhanguera (UNOPAR), Londrina/PR, Brazil. Attorney.

Giselle Marques de Araújo, Universidade Anhanguera (UNIDERP)

Ph.D. in Environment and Regional Development from Universidade Anhanguera (UNIDERP), Campo Grande/MS, Brazil. Ph.D. in Law from Universidade Veiga de Almeida (UVA), Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil. Master’s Degree in Law from Universidade Gama Filho (UGF), Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil. Professor of Environmental Legislation in the Postgraduate Program Stricto Sensu in Environment and Regional Development at UNIDERP. Adviser of the International Council of Contemporary Studies in Postgraduate Studies (CONSINTER), Curitiba/PR, Brazil. Attorney.

Ademir Kleber Morbeck de Oliveira, Universidade Anhanguera (UNIDERP)

Ph.D. and Master’s in Ecology and Natural Resources from Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR), São Carlos/SP, Brazil. Bachelor of Biological Sciences from Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Campo Grande/MS, Brazil. Professor in the Postgraduate Program Stricto Sensu in Environment and Regional Development and Sustainable Agribusiness Program at Universidade Anhanguera (UNIDERP), Campo Grande/MS, Brazil. Professor in the Environmental Sciences Program at Universidade de Cuiabá (UNIC), Cuiabá/MT, Brazil.