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Alcides Francisco Antúnez Sánchez
Magno Federici Gomes
Ana Gorgoso Vázquez


Objective: The paper makes an analysis of the legal principle of sustainable development and its evolution towards the circular economy, concomitant with the implementation of corporate social responsibility.

Methodology: Have been used in this study as research methods the historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, bibliographic review and legal comparison.

Results: The challenge posed by the achievement of sustainable development for the States in the XXI century will allow the promotion of environmental preventive techniques to guarantee the human right to a healthy environment, among the third-dimensional rights, today in evolution with a new paradigm of "the circular economy", since environmental pollution has been growing, especially in the urban sector.

Contributions: A theoretical review from sustainable development is carried out from its genesis, its relationship with environmental sociology and its normative recognition in the constitutional text, as a paradigm of Public Administration, for the reduction of environmental pollution generated by electronic waste in Cuba and Brazil.

Keywords: sustainable development; circular economy; urbane mining; Cuba; Brazil.

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Author Biographies

Alcides Francisco Antúnez Sánchez, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales. Universidad de Granma. República de Cuba. Miembro de AIDCA en Argentina

Academic Master in Legal Advisory, with mention in Environmental Administrative Law, by the Universidad de Oriente (UO). Assistant professor of the Law course at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the Universidad de Granma (UDG). ORCID: Email:

Magno Federici Gomes, Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara e Faculdade Arnaldo Janssen

Prácticas Postdoctorales en Derecho Público y Educación en la Universidade Nova de Lisboa-Portugal (CAPES / BEX 3642 / 07-0). Prácticas Postdoctorales en Derecho Civil y Procesal Civil, Doctor en Derecho y Maestría en Derecho Procesal, por la Universidad de Deusto-España (Beca de la Cátedra UNESCO y del Gobierno Vasco-España). Maestría en Educación por la PUC Minas. Investigador y profesor del Doctorado y de la Maestría Académica en Derecho Ambiental y Desarrollo Sostenible de la Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara. Profesor de la Facultad de Derecho Arnaldo Janssen. Abogado socio de Moraes & Federici Advocacia Associada. Diretor del Grupo de Investigación: Regulação Ambiental da Atividade Económica Sustentável (REGA) / CNPQ-BRA y miembro de los grupos: Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Derecho y Sociedad (CEDIS) / FCT-PT, Centro de Estudios sobre Gestión de Políticas Públicas (NEGESP) / CNPQ-BRA y Legal Metamorphosis / CNPQ-BRA. ORCID: Currículum: Correo electrónico:

Ana Gorgoso Vázquez, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales

Máster en Desarrollo Cultural Comunitario. Profesora auxiliar en la carrera gestión socio cultural para el desarrollo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales. Universidad de Granma.