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Leonardo Javier Castillo Cárdenas
Soledad Alejandra Morales Trapp
Danko Igor Jaccard Riquelme


The International Labour Organization169th Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention (Nº 169) sets down the institution of indigenous consultation as a participation mechanism for states to accomplish agreements about political or legal decisions. This participation mechanism is performed anytime a measurement involves an indigenous people.


All participation mechanism has some characteristics that allow us to consider them as accountabilitymechanisms. This paper objective is to find these characteristics in indigenous consultation. For the analysis we use two categories: those in conceptual precisions of accountability and those specific found in the regulation and implementation of indigenous consultation in Chile. Following this procedure, we expect to measure the citizen participation and social accountability impact of indigenous consultation to finally propose redesigns, restructuring or linkages of this mechanism that leads to a better accomplish of its original objectives.

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Author Biographies

Leonardo Javier Castillo Cárdenas, Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO)

Máster Universitario en Análisis Econoómico del Derecho. Magíster en Política y Gobierno. Académico Investigador, Departamento de Ciencias Jurídicas, Universidad de La Frontera. Abogado.

Soledad Alejandra Morales Trapp, Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO)

Magister en Ciencias Sociales Aplicadas. Académica Investigadora Escuela de Derecho Universidad de La Frontera. Abogada.

Danko Igor Jaccard Riquelme, Universidad de La Frontera

Abogado. Master of Arts in Ethnicity and Multiculturalism. Académico e Investigador de la Universidad de La Frontera