Login or Register to make a submission.

Texts must be submitted free of charge on the journal’s website after registering as "AUTHOR" (http://revista.domhelder.edu.br/index.php/veredas/user/register), by following the submission steps.

Veredas do Direito does not charge submission or article processing fees.

Veredas do Direito publishes original articles by PhD researchers or PhDs accompanied by a co-author with a minimum bachelor’s degree, from the areas of Environmental Law and related sciences who research themes from the perspective of those described in the journal. We publish texts in Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian and French.

Each author can submit only one text per volume of the journal and, having had a published text, can only submit it again after the interval of 2 volumes, or 2 years.

The articles must, obligatorily, use the third person (scientific writing).

In compliance with good open science communication practices, Veredas do Direito accepts manuscripts deposited on reliable preprint servers, such as  Preprints, SciELO Preprints and EmeRI. In these cases, the authors must indicate the link to the version of the article already published and the DOI, if any. It should be noted that, in these cases, the evaluation system is changed from double-blind to single-blind by peers, in which the reviewers will know the authorship of the article, but the authors will not know the identity of the reviewers. In these cases, Veredas do Direito reserves the possibility of the reviewers expressing a conflict of interest in evaluating the article.

Still in accordance with open science, Veredas do Direito provides authors and reviewers with the option of opening the peer review process, with or without identification of their names. To this end, the authors must authorize the disclosure of their names at the time of submission of the article, while the reviewers, if they allow their names to be disclosed, must fill out the Compliance Form with Open Science.

Finally, Veredas do Direito encourages the sharing of analysis datasets, instruments, statistical analysis scripts, other scripts and additional materials, made available in open online repositories, such as SciELO Data, Zenodo, Figshare and OSF, in case they cannot be published in the article itself, and this information must be indicated in the manuscript. Consequently, works that communicate research must indicate and reference the availability of the contents underlying the preparation of the research and the results obtained.


The journal Veredas do Direito follows the guidelines of the Code of Conduct and Good Practices, of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and submissions must meet these guidelines. We also adopt the SciELO Guidelines on Best Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication.

If it is necessary to retract an article or publish a correction or erratum, Veredas do Direito will follow the recommendations and guidelines of SciELO and COPE, especially the guidelines of the SciELO Guidelines on Best Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication, the Guia para o registro e publicação de errata, the Guia para o registro e publicação de retratação, and the COPE Retraction Guidelines.


The editorial team of Veredas do Direito, as well as the authors who publish in the journal, should always observe the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines. The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of guidelines that guide the reporting of sex and gender information in study design, data analysis, and in the results and interpretation of findings. In addition, Veredas do Direito observes a gender equity policy in the training of its editorial staff.


Articles submitted through the journal’s website will undergo two evaluation phases: the first phase will be carried out by the editorial team and is intended to verify compliance with the Guidelines for Authors; in case of approval in the first phase, the article will be forwarded to blind peer review, i.e., the second phase, in which the article can be approved, approved with mandatory revisions or rejected.

In all cases, the editorial decision and evaluations will be sent by email to the author — in case of co-authorship, to the co-author who registered in the submission as the main contact. In case of approval with mandatory revisions, the author will have 5 working days (period that may occasionally be extended, depending on the complexity of the requested revisions) to submit the corrected version of the article through the journal’s system, which will be reviewed by the editorial team. If the revisions made are not satisfactory, new adjustments may be necessary or, as the case may be, the article may be rejected. Failure by authors to respond to requests for revisions may also result in article rejection.



In order to comply with the requirement of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) regarding the exogeny of the articles, Veredas do Direito avoids publishing articles whose authors are linked to institutions in Minas Gerais, with the exception of those linked to the Dom Helder Escola Superior (DHES).



All articles submitted to Veredas do Direito will be previously analyzed by the Turnitin plagiarism detector. Plagiarism is the appropriation of another's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving proper credit. One paragraph without proper citation is enough for the manuscript to be returned to the author(s). For cases of self-plagiarism, Veredas do Direito allows a maximum of 10% for articles, or 50% when the manuscript is the result of a master's thesis or doctoral dissertation. Above this limit, the manuscript is returned to the author(s), who can make the necessary changes and submit the article again to the journal.

Cases of plagiarism reported to the journal after the articles have been published will be analyzed by the editorial committee and, if the complaint is confirmed, the article will be removed from the journal immediately. Penalties may also be applied to the authors.



The full name, e-mail address, affiliation and short biography of all authors of the article must be provided with the correct spelling in the metadata insertion during the submission process.

Affiliation is the author’s current institution, informing its full name and initial, as well as its city, state and country.

In the field "Summary of the Biography" of each author, which must be filled in, degrees must be provided in descending order and the respective institution where they were obtained, indicating, also, the initials of the institution in parentheses, followed by the city , state and country. From the second mention of the same institution, only the acronym is indicated. Next, the affiliation must be provided.

All authors and co-authors must provide the electronic address referring to their ORCID registration, which is mandatory, in addition to the electronic address for the Currículo Lattes, mandatory for Brazilian authors or those linked to Brazilian educational institutions.


Doctor in Law from the Dom Helder Escola Superior (DHES), Belo Horizonte/MG, Brazil. Bachelor of Law from DHES. Professor of the undergraduate course in Law at DHES.


It is not allowed to mention the author’s publications in the "Summary of the Biography".

At the end of the "Summary of the Biography", the link to the Currículo Lattes of each author must be provided.

If the metadata is not filled in correctly, the author will be notified to correct it within 2 business days, under penalty of rejection of the article.

Before uploading the work, any data that allow the identification of the author(s) by the reviewers should be removed from the text, as well as from the Word file itself ("File/Properties/Summary"; this path may vary, depending on the Word version used by the author), so that the evaluation is blind (double blind peer review).



Articles resulting from research funded by development agencies must be duly identified by a footnote inserted in the title of the article, specifying the funding agency and the public notice.



The following articles will have publication priority:

  • Articles in which at least one of the authors is linked exclusively to a foreign HEI;
  • Articles resulting from research financed by development agencies;
  • Articles written in co-authorship with a permanent professor of the HEI Program from different units of the federation.



The editorial board and the editorial team reserve the right, in pre- or post-evaluation, to point out necessary revisions and additions to the works received, returning them to the authors for their due adaptation to the journal’s standards. After checklisting and pre-evaluation by the editorial team, if approved, the texts go to external evaluators.

All texts evaluated that have an indication of mandatory revisions, indicated in an opinion and/or comments, must be reviewed by the authors and returned for a new evaluation by the editorial team within a period of 5 working days or more (depending on the complexity of the revisions requested).



Texts must be submitted in Word format, A4 size, "portrait" orientation, font 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing, with the following margins: top and left of 3.0 cm and right and bottom of 2.0 cm.

The first line of each paragraph must be indented by 1.5 cm from the left margin.

Citations with more than 3 lines must have a 4.0 cm indentation, font 10, and single space between lines.

In publishing, the texts will be laid out according to the journal’s graphic standard.

Tables, forms, graphs and drawings cannot occupy more than 25% of the total text, and must be numbered with Arabic numerals and referenced according to ABNT standards.

Articles must have a minimum of 40,000 and a maximum of 60,000 characters, including spaces. Larger texts may be authorized, based on the evaluation of the editorial committee, and the registration of this request must be made as a note in the submission.

All texts must be revised before uploading, and it is recommended that they go through a professional reviser before submission. Veredas do Direito reserves the right to make normative, spelling and grammatical changes to the texts originally sent in order to maintain the cultured standard of the language without, however, interfering with the authors’ style.



The images used in the articles must be inserted in the body of the text and also submitted individually as "Supplementary Documents" during the submission process.

The format for submission as a supplementary document must be ".jpeg", and the image must have high resolution. In addition to the image, the author must send, through the "Supplementary Documents", the license for use issued by the image’s copyright holder.

In the case of images without the required resolution, the author will be notified to provide a new image within 2 business days. If the new image is not provided and its absence detracts from the content of the text, the article will be rejected by the editorial board and/or editorial team.

If the license to use is not sent through the supplementary documents, the author will be notified to provide the license within 2 working days. If the license is not provided and the absence of the image affects the text content, the article will be rejected by the editorial board and/or the editorial team.



Graphics inserted in the body of the texts must be exclusively in black and white. If the graphic is not prepared by the author, the author must send the license for use through "Supplementary documents" during submission.




For articles by a single author, the author must have a PhD degree as a minimum.


Veredas do Direito gives preference to articles with a maximum of 2 authors and does not admit articles with more than 3 authors (articles with 3 authors will be analyzed on a case-by-case basis), and at least 1 of them must have the a PhD degree as a minimum, who will be credited as the main author and the others as co-authors, who must have a minimum bachelor’s degree, preventing the participation of undergraduates.


Authoral participation:

Authors should indicate, at the end of the articles, the contribution of each author, using two minimum authorship criteria: (a) actively participate in the discussions of the results; (b) review and final approval of the work. Manuscripts in which this individual contribution is not specified indicate that all of the authors participated in the discussions of the results and reviewed and approved the final work. Veredas do Direito recommends Taxonomia CRediT.


The title should contain a maximum of 8 words and be presented in Portuguese/English. For articles in Spanish, the title must be presented in Spanish/English. Automatic web translations will not be accepted. If the translation is found to be inaccurate, the text will be returned to the author for revision within 3 working days, under penalty of rejection.

Formatting headings and subheadings:






1.1 Secondary section (aligned left, lower case, bold)

1.1.1 Tertiary section (aligned left, lower case, italics) Quaternary section (aligned left, lower case, italics, bold) Quinary section (aligned left, lowercase, no bold, no italics)



Articles must be accompanied by a bilingual abstract (Portuguese/English or Spanish/English), of the same content, clearly and concisely presenting:

  • the theme of the work
  • the goals
  • the methodology used
  • the conclusions.

The abstract must have between 150 and 200 words.

Automatic web translations will not be accepted. If the translation is found to be inaccurate, the text will be returned to the author for revision within 3 working days, under penalty of rejection.


In a minimum number of 3 and a maximum of 5 words, in alphabetical order and written in lower case (except when it is essential to use capital letters) and separated by semicolons, they indicate the content of the article and must be chosen, preferably, from a controlled vocabulary catalog, if there is a thesaurus in the subject area.

Keywords must be presented in Portuguese/English. For texts in Spanish, keywords must be presented in Spanish/English. Automatic web translations will not be accepted. If the translation is found to be inaccurate, the text will be returned to the author for revision within 3 working days, under penalty of rejection.

Structure of the articles:

The articles must respect the following sequence:

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Title translated into English
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Text with subheadings and footnotes
  • Conclusion
  • References


  • The Introduction, Conclusion and References items should not be numbered. The other headings must use sequential numbering in Indo-Arabic numerals.
  • Footnotes are for brief explanatory notes and important extra information only, and are not intended for reference. Footnotes must use sequential numbering in Indo-Arabic numerals.
  • All references in the body of the text must adopt the author-date system, in compliance with ABNT NBR 10520/2002. Ex.: (FIORILLO, 2013, p. 25). It should be noted that pagination should only be indicated in cases of quotation (exact transcription [or free translation] of the text in the source), except when the original text is not paginated. For indirect citations (paraphrases), just indicate author(s) and year of publication.


The Introduction should only introduce the subject to be discussed in the article, presenting the author’s view on the topic. Therefore, it should not contain quotations or indirect citations.


References must be arranged in alphabetical order by SURNAME of the first author, at the end of the article and strictly comply, in all details, with ABNT NBR 6023/2018, as in the following examples:

  • Book:

FIORILLO, C. A. P. Princípios do processo ambiental. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2013.

  • Book chapter:

SILVA, ST Environmental civil liability. In: PHILLIPPI JR, A.; ALVES, AC Interdisciplinary Course in Environmental Law . Barueri: Manole, 2005. p. 425-464.

  • Journal article:

DIAS, L. F. S. Estudo da evolução do Direito das Pescas no Direito do Mar. Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, v. 41, n. 2, p. 715-782, 2000.

  • Articles and reports available on the internet:

MORENO, A. C. Ministério da Saúde aceita pedido de secretarias e volta atrás em alterações no sistema sobre mortes por Covid. G1, 24 mar. 2021. Available from: https://g1.globo.com/bemestar/coronavirus/noticia/2021/03/24/secretarias-dizem-que-ministerio-aceitou-pedido-e-voltou-atras-em-alteracoes-no-sistema-sobre-mortes-por-covid.ghtml. Access on: Mar. 25, 2021.

STF DETERMINA investigação sobre venda de terra indígena pelo Facebook após reportagem da BBC. BBC News Brasil, 2 mar. 2021. Available from: https://www.bbc.com/portuguese/internacional-56470136. Access on: Mar. 25, 2021.


  • Do not use dashes (______) for repeated SURNAMES. Repeat the surname. Ex.:

HEIDEGGER, M. Ensaios e conferências (a questão da técnica). Petrópolis: Vozes, 2002.

HEIDEGGER, M. Ser y tiempo. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Universitaria, 2005.

  • Other types of references, not included in the examples shown here, must be consulted in NBR 6023/2018, which must be strictly followed.
  • The accuracy and adequacy of references to works that have been mentioned in the text are the authors’ responsibility.
  • The works used for the preparation of the work must be national and foreign, representative of the chosen theme and updated. The absence of foreign works, the outdated nature and non-representativeness of the works used may lead to rejection of the article by decision of the reviewers and/or the editorial team.



Authors are assured the right to appeal against all editorial decisions.

The appeal must be sent to the journal’s e-mail address (veredas@domhelder.edu.br), with full identification of the article (submission number and full title) and authors, appeal grounds and other relevant documents.

The appeal decision will be forwarded to the applicant within 7 working days.



The main objective of Veredas do Direito is to produce solid scientific knowledge, based on an editorial process that involves control, evaluation and revision of manuscripts, using, for this purpose, scientificity and integrity parameters in line with national and international bodies and institutions aimed at scientific publishing.


Ethical conditions for publishing articles

  1. The intentional inclusion of references of questionable relevance in order to manipulate impact factors or increase the likelihood of manuscript acceptance is an ethically unacceptable practice.
  2. Authors have an ethical responsibility to report evidence that contradicts their point of view, when available. In addition, the evidence used to support their positions must be methodologically sound.
  3. Authors have an ethical obligation to report all aspects of research that may be relevant to the independent reproducibility of their research.
  4. Only people who have contributed significantly to the work deserve authorship in a manuscript. By significant contribution we mean: carrying out experiments, participating in the preparation of experimental planning, analysis of results or preparation of the body of the manuscript. Borrowing equipment, obtaining funding or general supervision alone do not justify the inclusion of new authors, who should just be acknowledged.
  5. Collaboration between professors and students must follow the same criteria. Supervisors should be careful not to include students with little or no contribution in the authorship, nor to exclude those who actually participated in the work. Phantom authorship in science configures ethically unacceptable practice.
  6. All authors of a work are responsible for the veracity and suitability of the research, with the first author and the corresponding author being fully responsible, and the other authors responsible for their individual contributions.
  7. Authors must be able to describe, when asked, their personal contribution to the work.
  8. All research work must be conducted according to ethical standards in its execution, whether with animals or with human beings.


Conflict of interest policy

Conflicts of interest (which can be of a personal, commercial, academic or financial nature) occur when authors, reviewers or editors have interests capable of influencing the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts. Upon submission of the manuscript, the authors are responsible for recognizing and disclosing financial conflicts or any other nature that may have exerted some influence on the work. Therefore, if there is, even potentially, a conflict of interest, it is up to the authors to state it in a signed document attached to the submission platform.

It is also the responsibility of the authors to identify in the manuscript any financial support obtained for the preparation of the work, as well as other personal connections linked to the research. It is up to the reviewers to inform the editors about any conflicts of interest that may influence the analysis of the manuscript, declaring themselves unqualified to review it.