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Olívia Guimarães Ribeiro


The globalized world is no longer consistent with the territorial limitations imposed by sovereign states. Democracy, in its original meaning, became inefficient to meet social concerns when based only on the internal legal system, revealing the need to expand external legal relations. The purpose of this article is to find out how digital culture impacts the construction of a democratic model based on expanding the powers of new actors in transnational law. Methodologically, the research is descriptive, with a qualitative approach, using a secondary source, inductive method and literature review. The traditional form of action of the Democratic State of Law, through the tripartition of Powers, one of its pillars, no longer proves to be efficient, increasingly lacking the intervention of new actors, leading to a remodeling/restructuring of the democratic structure. It is from this new perspective that the construction of a transnational law that is above national and international relations emerges, allowing a more intense interaction between different actors, with a view to allowing the best possible solution to global problems. This is possible in view of the intensification of the digital culture resulting from the multiple interactions arising from information technology.

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Author Biography

Olívia Guimarães Ribeiro, Centro Universitário de Brasília (UNICEUB)

Doutoranda em Direito pelo Centro Universitário de Brasília (UNICEUB). Mestra em Direito Público pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU). Especialista em Temas Avanzados de Derecho Público y Privado pela Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC). Especialista em Direito Empresarial pela Universidade de Rio Verde (UNIRV). Graduada em Direito pela Unirv. Professora na UFU.