Contenido principal del artículo
The theme of this paper is environmental taxation in Brazil and, more specifically, the function of tax in regard to environmental protection “ taxation on fiscal and non-fiscal purposes “, as well as the possibilities and limits of the environmental use of tax species referred to in the Brazilian Constitution. The objectives are, on the one hand, to demonstrate that taxes can be created with an environmental orientation, and, on the other hand, to expose doctrinal divergences and convergences concerning the modalities of environmental taxation regarding its use in the different kinds of Brazilian tax, especially tax and contribution to intervene in the economic domain. The article uses bibliographic and legislation research as a method to show the reader the existence of agreements and disagreements among some of the authors who approach the subject. It concludes that, except for the divergence related to tax, the doctrine allows for the use of the several Brazilian tax species to contribute to environmental preservation.
Detalles del artículo
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