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Claudia Luján Oviedo


Every citizen has the right of enjoying a healthy, balanced, and capable for human development, environment. The environment must be able to let productive activities satisfy the present needs without compromising future generations. The environment and quality of life are notions strongly related, so the objective of public powers, on their ensure function, is to "improve quality of life and defend and restore the environment". The primary end that is assigned to the State is to promote the common wealth that in the XXI century was translated as the obligation to get acceptable levels of life quality for their population. That state’s function responds to a qualitative conception of the development that takes in consideration, not only quantitative variables referred to production and increase of this, but also environmental and social costs. On the Declaration of Rio, in The United Nations 1992, was affirmed on Principles N°1 and 3 that the law of development in different countries was not absolute, and it was found limited — between other factors — on the regard for environment; starting with this, the principle of sustainable development that "has became a real general principle of Law".

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Claudia Luján Oviedo

Doctora en Derecho por Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Argentina.


Investigadora y docente de las cátedras Derecho de las Obligaciones, Economía y  Finanzas , y del Seminario de Derecho Ambiental correspondiente al ciclo de orientación profundizada, de la Facultad de Derecho Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Vicedirectora del Instituto de Derecho Ambiental del Colegio de Abogados del DJMDP.