Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.


Articles should be submitted through the website of the Journal after the registration as an AUTHOR (http://www.domhelder.edu.br/revista/index.php/dhrevistadedireito/user/register) following the submission steps. In case of any difficulty, send email to: INCLUIR EMAIL

The Journal does not charge article submission charges or article processing charges. 

Dom Helder Journal of Law publishes original articles of PhD and J.D.. researchers accompanied by non-PhD co-author, on the researches topics in the perspective of those described in the Journal.


The articles submitted through the journal’s website will undergo two different evaluation processes: the first one will be done by the Editorial Board that is responsible to verify the accordance to the author guidelines available on our website; if the article is accepted, it will be forwarded to a double-blind evaluation process.

On the second process — blind peer review — the article may be approved, approved with necessary corrections or rejected.

In any case the editorial decision and reviews will be sent to the author by email — in case of co-authorship, to the main email registered during the submission process. In case the article is approved with necessary corrections, the author will have 5 business days to send the corrected article by email, and it will be again analyzed by the editorial board.



Every article submitted to the Journal will be previously checked by the plagiarism detector Ephorus (Turnitin). The articles rejected by the software will be analyzed in depth by the Editorial Staff and, when necessary, the staff will request further information to the author. If the plagiarism is confirmed by the editorial staff, the article will be immediately rejected.



Articles resulting from research funded by development agencies must be properly identified by footnote inserted in the title of the article specifying the funding announcement.



  • Articles written by doctos and Bachelor Degree.



Articles should be submitted in Word format, A4, "portrait" orientation, font size 12, Times New Roman, space 1,5 with the margins: top and left 3cm, right and bottom 2cm.

The first line of each paragraph should have 1.5 cm of space on the left margin.

Quotations with more than three lines should be indented in 4cm, font size 10, simple space between lines.

In the publishing process the articles will receive a layout in the Journal's chart pattern. Tables, graphs and drawings cannot occupy more than 25% of the text and should be numbered with Arabic numerals.

Articles should have a minimum of 15 and maximum of 25 pages (approximately between 40,000 and 60,000 characters with spaces). Larger texts may be authorized, according to the discretion of the Editorial Board and the registration of this request must be made as an observation in the submission process. All texts must be corrected before the submission.



The Editorial Board and Editorial Team reserve the right, in a pre-assessment and/or in a post assessment, to point out necessary corrections and additions in the articles received, returning them to the authors for their proper adequacy to the Journal's rules. After the check list and the pre-assessment of the Editorial Board member, if approved, the articles will proceed to external evaluators.

All texts that received an indication of necessary corrections, pointed out in opinion and/or comments, should be reviewed by the authors and returned for a new evaluation within a period of 05 business days.

The authorship presentation elements (higher academic title, biography summary, institutional affiliation, city, state, country, email address) must be informed in the metadata, in the submission process. We request that, before transferring the article, the identification data of the authors are removed as well as the identifications in the "File / Properties / Summary" of Word document, so that the evaluation process is blind (double blind system or double blind peer review).


Articles requirement


The authors must have a PhD or a J.D..


Ahe article may have a maximum of three authors, one of them having a PhD or J.D. title; the others must have a a bachelor’s degree and graduated.


Articles must be accompanied by a bilingual abstract (Portuguese/English), of the same content, and to present clearly and concisely:

  • article theme
  • goals
  • methodology used
  • conclusions

It is required that the abstract have between 150 and 200 words necessarily.


In minimum number of 03 and in maximum number of 05, they indicate the article content and they must be chosen, preferably, in a controlled vocabulary catalog, if there is any thesaurus in the subject area. They must be separated by semicolons. The title and the keywords also should be presented in Portuguese and English. The articles in Spanish will be presented with summary, title and keywords in Spanish/English.

Articles structure

Articles must comply with the following sequence:

  • Title (maximum: 10 words)
  • Title in English
  • Abstract in Portuguese
  • Keywords in Portuguese
  • Abstract in English
  • Keywords in English (please do not use online automatic translators)
  • Introduction
  • Text with subtitles and footnotes (use sequential numbering, ie, 1, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3, 4...)
  • Conclusion
  • References (bibliographic and others)


  • Do not use online automatic translation for the title, abstract and keywords.
  • Do not number the introduction, conclusion and references.
  • Footnotes are only for brief notes and are not intended to mention references.
  • All references in the text should adopt the system author-date of ABNT. Example: (SIQUEIRA, 2017, p. 25).


References should be arranged alphabetically by the first author's LAST NAME, at the end of the article, and follow the ABNT rules, as in the examples:

  • Book:

SIQUEIRA, Lyssandro Norton. Qual o Valor do Meio Ambiente? Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2017.

  • Book chapter:

SILVA, Solange Teles da. Responsabilidade civil ambiental. In: PHILLIPPI JR, Arlindo; ALVES, Alaôr Caffé. Curso Interdisciplinar de direito Ambiental. São Paulo: Manole, 2005. p. 425-464.

  • Article in periodic:

DIAS, Luis Filipe da Silva. Estudo da evolução do Direito das Pescas no Direito do Mar. Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa. Lisboa, v. 41, n. 2, p. 715-782, 2000.

  • Online document:

WIENER, Jonathan. Convergence, Divergence, and Complexity. Disponível em: <http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1992&context=faculty_sch olarship>. Acesso em: 15 abr. 2014.


  • Do not use underline ( _______. ) in case of LAST NAME repetition. Please repeat the author's last name. Example:

HEIDEGGER, Martin. Ensaios e Conferências (A questão da técnica). Trad. Emmanuel Carneiro Leão et al. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes, 2002, p. 11-38.

HEIDEGGER, Martin. Ser y tiempo. Trad. Jorge Eduardo R. Cruchaga. Santiago de Chile, 2005.

  • The accuracy and appropriateness of references to works that have been mentioned in the text are under author's responsibility.



Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. This article is my own (our) authorship, it is original, unpublished and exclusive (is not being considered for publication by another journal).


  1. The submission files are in Microsoft Word format (as long as they do not exceed 2MB).


  1. URLs for the references have been provided.


  1. The text uses 1.5 space and uses a 12-point font; uses italics, rather than underlining (except for URL addresses); graphics, images and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document as attachments.


  1. The text follows the layout standard and the bibliographic requirements described in:


  1. The article’s authorship identification was removed from the file and from the Properties of Word document, ensuring in this way the Journal's confidentiality criteria, in the double blind peer review system, according to the instructions in Securing Double Blind Review.


  1. The abstract has between 150 and 200 words; titles and keywords have been translated to English; the keywords are in accordance with the controlled vocabulary book (thesaurus). I also declare that the English abstract was made from the Portuguese abstract and not by the use of online translation applications (Examples: Google Translator, Babel Fish and others).


  1. The article is in comply with the ABNT rules. The book titles has been spelled in italic, as well as the journals titles.


  1. In the article submitted it was not used any research with human beings or, if the research was made and used, it followed the resolution of the National Health Council (Resolução CNS 196/96); the research was approved by the Ethics Committee For Research of the author's institution or where it was held, and the approval is attached to the this submission; it was collected the Terms of Free and Clear Consent that are in possession of the authors or the responsible for the research and/or the institution and are available for consultation and verification.


10.The authors authorize the publication of their emails addresses in the mini-curriculums of the final version of accepted articles.


11.I declare to know the Journal's rule that states that the co-authorship articles represent the effective participation of authors in the production and that the mere guidance to the article performed by Professors does not guarantee and represent a co-authorship text.



The author(s) agree and declare that:

a) they provided accurate and truthful information and they not created any false identity or used any subterfuge in order to deceive people, institutions or to obtain benefits of any kind.

b) they are the only responsible for any information and are subjected to the administrative and legal consequences from the inaccurate or false statements (arts. 298 and 299 of the Brazilian Penal Code) that may cause damage to the Journal or third parties.

c)  They did not use the Journal for unlawful purposes, illegal or prohibited, that violates the privacy or the rights of others, including copyrights or intellectual property rights.