Focus and Scope

Dom Helder Revista de Direito is a free, fully electronic publication that accepts articles by authors with minimal specialist title - in case of co-authoring, if the lead author is a doctor, co-authors may be undergraduates; If the main author is a master, co-authors must be at least graduates and at most masters. The editorial line of the Journal is "Justice, State and Citizenship in Contemporary Societies". It is an interdisciplinary line to cover all areas of law, providing reflections and legal and philosophical approaches.

In this sense, the Journal aims to be the serving instrument of scientific and doctrinal papers devoted to aspects and elements that relate to such matters, especially in Law area.
Thus, the papers and articles to be published in the Journal must frame into the themes that compose its editorial line. Eventually, at the discretion of the editorial board, it can dedicate one Journal edition to a particular theme or even to a particular matter covered by any of the suggested items.

Peer Review Process

Dom Helder Revista de Direito aims to publish scientific articles by authors from education and research institutes, national or foreign.
1. Unpublished collaborations will be accepted and the publication of an article is subjected to its compliance with the editorial standards, and its simples receipt relieve its publication. Exceptionally the Editorial Committee may accept the submission of papers that have been published before and if that occurs, it will be subjected to the same peer review process that those unpublished goes. The author must submit an written permission from the editor of the Journal in which the work was originally published, accompanied by a copy of it.

2. The articles will be evaluated by the process of peer review, ie, the articles will be subject to the approval of at least 2 evaluators who are experts in the topics discussed. The articles will be sent to the evaluation without the authorship identification.

3. The manuscript will be immediately forwarded to the evaluators. The articles selection process involves the experts and the Editorial Committee evaluations. In the summary, the articles titles sequence shall be in alphabetical order of author's surnames.

4. The Journal reserves the right to make changes of normative, spell and grammatical order, in order to keep the refined language standard, respecting, however, the author's style.

5. Articles published in the Dom Helder Journal of Law may be reprinted, totally or partially, as long as the original publication source is assigned.

6. The opinions expressed by the articles' authors are exclusively their responsibility.


Open Access Policy


This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that scientific knowledge freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.