This article seeks to explore the legal instruments used to combat the phenomenon of water grabbing and the potential for its use by affected individuals and communities. Evidence will be provided for the recognition of water citizenship to combat the phenomenon of water grabbing. A tentative solution proposed in this article is to identify and stimulate this new form of citizenship, where individual participants may contribute to creating a new conscience by recognizing the right and the duty of citizens. A deductive methodology is used, based on evidence arising from descriptive, bibliographical, and documentary research. Particularly, using specialized doctrine and legal instruments that allow a better understanding of the topic. The first section presents the characteristics and main implications of water grabbing. The second section introduces the theoretical construction of new citizenship as an instrument to combat the phenomenon of water grabbing. In the final section, the article presents an analysis of the Water War in Bolivia and provides evidence to implement the right and duty of participation for the right of access to water.
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